Sunday, 13 April 2008

Malta groups

Hi all!

Well, I thought I'd update you all on the reorganisation we've carried out down south since you left. The large response from interested individuals that we got meant that we couldn't work well in a single group. So now, for this phase which we're still calling the 'taster phase', we've got 2 groups running parallel to each other: one group meets every other Thursday, and the other group meets every other Friday. We have 36 registered individuals, 19 meeting on Thurs. and 17 meeting on Fri. Yes! they're still big numbers to work in a single space!
We've also got a hub of volunteers together: Thursday support and Friday support. They're great to work with; enthusiastic about the project, and creative and caring workers.
This week we started working in this new format, and we will continue in this way until the first week of June. Some of the participants asked after you all, and are already looking forward to seeing you again!
The groups already have a different identity. The Friday group, which is the group with more of the newer individuals who didn't participate in the March session when you were here, seems to be a lot quieter. It allowed for some participants, who seemed very withdrawn in March, to really come out of themselves. We had great fun looking for imaginary balls (thanks Steve for that name game! :-)], picking up new ones, transforming them into chocolate balls which we ate, and even helping each other throw the heavier ones.
So that's for our new start!
We'll update you soon with news of our second phase which is to start mid-June with those committed participants.

sending you all a lot of warm April sun!

1 comment:

Leopoldsburg©© said...

Sounds like Malta is on a roll! I'm encouraging Wim to post a little piece on our you should hear from him soon!