Malta had a very exciting session last Thursday where each participant had a turn at intorducing themselves. We also began to explore the bag itself and enjoyed improvising bag scenes! We're excited this week to now explore what's inside of it.
But... before that... here's our team! Most of us seem to enjoy eating and travelling most!
Here's to Isabel, Laura and Christopher in this picture.
My name is Isabel Bonello. I live in Mtarfa where there are Chadwick Lakes. Where I live I have a verandah and you can see the Chadwick Lakes and Bahrija, fields, aeroplanes, and the school of Mtarfa. Mtarfa is a very beautiful village. In Mtarfa we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. I like to go abroad. I have been to Germany and to Lourdes. My hobbies are eating a lot. I like to do crosswords. I like to swim. I like to do some work on the computer and I like to go on the msn to chat.
My name is Laura. I enjoy it here at St. James. I enjoy people watching me on stage because I would like to go abroad. The place here is nice and I like that people watch me.
I’m Christopher. I like to eat. I like drama. I like to listen to music on the radio and I dance to it.
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